Now a days majority of online websites are developed using PHP scripting as it gives a lot of expansive possibilities. It was the invention of Danish programmer Rasmus Lerdof in the year 1995. PHP evolved into becoming a base and building block in order to develop rapid application developments. Basic frameworks were created which in turn would become the skeletal structure of modern applications and thus speeding up the development process. There are many different frameworks available in the market, but here are the top 10 ones you should select from.
1) Nette : A simple but powerful, component based and event driven framework for creating web based applications and services in PHP5. Applications developed by Nette can be expanded in future as per requirements. It comes with the so called technological innovations which are less found in other frameworks.
2) Codelgniter : Codelgniter comprises of a simple tool kit to develop powerful web applications with lots of features. It is consise but an effective framework to develop applications without much trouble and in short durations.
3) Zikula : Zikula is a web-application developer tool kit which help you to create effective websites. It has an online administration to manage a site and easier procedures to add or remove features.
4) Zend : It is an enterprise ready framework built with fast and effective methods. The framework is unit-tested ensuring strict code coverage requirements which will evolve into a more stable and easy to expand system.
5) Symfony : It is focussed and speeding up the process of creation and maintenance of websites with power and control over various elements used. The lesser basic requirements of the framework makes it easier to install on any configuration and its compatible with almost every database available.
6) CakePHP : Being a rapid development framework for PHP it provides an architecture that is quite expandable and great for developing, maintaining and deploying applications.
7) Prado : The main feature of Prado is that it’s a component based and event driven programming framework for developing different types of web based applications in PHP5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development Object-Oriented. One of the important requirements to run Prado based applications is availability of a web server that supports PHP 5.1.0 or higher versions.
8) Akelos : As availability of PHP is the only requirement Akelos based web applications can run on most of the shared hosting service providers. As any non-standard PHP configurations are not required by Akelos its best suited to run stand alone web applications.
9) Kohana : Its main advantage being that it requires very little configuration. It provides many tools a developer would be looking out for. It fully supports UTF-8 and I18N. It provides a rich set of components essential for developing web based applications.
10) Seagull : It is a matured object oriented programming framework for developing web based applications. It is also used in developing command line based and GUI applications. It is an effective framework for the beginners to advanced developers.
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